SoCalHoops Men's Message Forum

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The SoCalHoops Men's Message Forum is a moderated board. You can use a psuedonym, but be aware that all messages are uniquely identified. We have the ability to block people who abuse the boards and will do so without prior warning. Any postings that violate federal or state laws will be referred to the authorities for prosecution. Leave the garbage outside. Turn off your CAPS key. We reserve the right to delete any message at any time for any reason. If you don't like the rules, don't post here. Really. Go away and leave the board to those who can read and follow these simple rules. This board is for fans of men's and boys' basketball in SoCal. If your post is about women's or girls' hoops, post it on the SoCalHoops Womens' Message Forum. Enjoy youselves.

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Be Nice. Be Fair. Don't act like a jerk. Turn off your CAPS key. And watch your spelling.

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