SoCal High School & Prep
We're Baaaaack.
. . The SS Titanic
Miraculously Returns--(December 28, 1997)
Unbelievable. Incredible. Amazing.
And we're not talking about hoops.
If anything can go wrong, it will.
Bet on it.
As you may recall from the last article we posted (December 21, 1997), we returned from the first two days of the 21st Reebok Las Vegas Prep Holiday Classic exactly one week ago, Sunday the 21st of December. We posted a few articles that day, including one in which we let everyone know that we'd be posting articles only sporadically during the week because of an "enforced" (read "spouse and family are demanding") vacation on a cruise ship.
We anticipated that getting internet access would be tough. But we planned. Oh, yeah we planned.
We methodically and carefully arranged for international access to the web. We called and checked ahead to all the ports we'd be stopping at to see which of the major hotels would give us temporary phone access. We checked rates, phone lines, computer friendly PBX's and international calling requirements, and the peculiarities of the Mexican phone systems we'd be encountering.
We then arranged with several of our correspondents to receive their reports during the week, via e-mail, with the intent of working on them aboard ship, then uploading the finished and edited reports when we got to port. We also had a ton of stuff to write about what we saw in Vegas during our frenetic two day visit.
A flawless plan, right?
Except for one five little words:
"HDD Hard Disk Controller Failure".
Yes indeedy, we had a complete disk crash on the portable. Everything else was in place. Who would have guessed that the most important link in the whole chain wouldn't be working. And no, we didn't bring an extra computer on board either.
Only one other fool like me had brought a computer, but it was a Mac portable, and its owner had no modem.
So that's why you haven't seen anything from SoCalHoops for the last week.
It wasn't because we didn't want to put stuff up, or that we were lazy, or that we were just blowing off the week because we were out at sea, sitting in the warm Mexican Riviera, snorkeling, swimming, and drinking Margaritas. Not at all. :-)
Anyway, we just got back, fired up the trusty(ier) desktop machine, held our breath, and since it's working, we'll be back up to speed today.
We'll be putting a bunch of stuff up as quickly as we can type it and convert it from the e-mails we've received this last week. So hold on, the articles will be up shortly.
Sorry if we let any of you down, but it really wasn't our fault. Thanks for your patience. We hope you won't be disappointed with the reports that follow.
©Copyright SoCalHoops 1997
All rights reserved
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