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SoCalHoops Tournament News

48th Annual Pacific Shores Tournament
Second Round Starts Today--(Dec. 1, 1999)

Given the results in the first two rounds of the Pacific Shores Tourney, the participants in the two brackets (a winners bracket and a losers bracket) have now been established, and the second round of games (actually the real "first" round in each of the brackets) gets started this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. at both Redondo Union HS and Mira Costa High School.

Here's a schedule of the games, and below that the results from Tuesday's second half of first round matchups.

Winners' Bracket Games:

Time Teams Location
6:00p.m. Fairfax (W1) v. Carson (W2) @ MCHS
6:00 p.m. Mayfair (W5) v. Morningside (W6) @RUHS
7:30 p.m. Bishop Montgomery (W4) v. Morningside (W6) @MCHS
7:30 p.m. Valencia (W7) v. Redondo (W8) @RUHS

The Losers' Bracket Games:

Time Teams Location
3:00 p.m. Hawthorne (L1) v. South Torrance (L2) @MCHS
3:00 p.m. Washington (L5) v. Leuzinger (L6) @RUHS
4:30 p.m. Banning (L4) v. North Torrance (L3) @MCHS
4:30 p.m. Jefferson (L7) v. Bell (L8) @RUHS

The results from the first two days are shown below:

Day Time Location Opponents
Monday 6:00 p.m. Mira Costa Fairfax 96, Hawthorne 60
Monday 7: 30 p.m. Mira Costa Banning 35, Bishop Montgomery 96
Monday 6:00 p.m. Redondo Union Leuzinger 56, Morningside 66
Monday 7:30 p.m. Redondo Union Mayfair 65, LA Washington 30
Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Mira Costa Carson 58, South Torrance 54
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Mira Costa North Torrance 36,  Mira Costa 60
Tuesday 6:00 p.m Redondo Union Bell 27,  Redondo 77
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Redondo Union Valencia 72, LA Jefferson 33

Redondo Union HS is located at 631 Vincent Park, in Redondo Beach.  Take the 405 to Hawthorne and continue south to Del Amo, and then turn West into the school.  Mira Costa is located at 701 South Peck Avenue, in Manhattan Beach.   From the 405 exhit at Redondo Beach Blvd (west) and take that to Peck. Redondo Beach turns into Artesia past Hawthorne, so pay attention. 

Here's some maps below just in case the above didn't make any sense:

Redondo Union HS Map Mira Costa HS Map
redondomap.gif (14713 bytes) miracosta.gif (17932 bytes)

See you there.

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