SoCalHoops High School News
A Little Perspective; Or In Every
A Little Rain Must Fall--(July 6, 1999)
In case you've missed it lately, our SoCalHoops Message Forum has gotten pretty wacky lately, and "wacky" is putting it mildly. "Sick"; "negative"; "bad"; call it what you will, there's been some pretty mean-spirited stuff going around, and we're not sure if it's just that the kids are all on their computers or whether the adults too have lost track of their better judgment. We're always amazed at how petty, jealous and in some cases downright nasty some people can be, but then every time we think we've seen the worst, there's always something that brings us to a new low. Whether it's messages about "cheating" programs, this or that "bad" coach, or insinuations and innuendos that adults who promote the sport of basketball are somehow to blame for all the evils of society, it gets discouraging.
It's doubly discouraging when you consider that we at SoCalHoops have had one motivating, driving force for doing what it is we do since this little internet venture started about two years ago, and that's primarily to help players become better people, coaches become better coaches, and to provide a single site on the internet where people interested in basketball and recruiting in SoCal can congregate and share information and resources, get news and information on tournaments and to shed a little light on the college recruiting process. We think sometimes that we've generally succeeded, and that as a result of our small efforts, perhaps there are players, parents and coaches who now know far more about the game and the college recruiting process than they would have without us. And we're generally encouraged by the mail we get.
But then we go over to the message board, and it becomes clear that some people, for reasons known only to them, just have to focus on the negative, on the seamy, on rumors, gossip and "bad" news. Now that's discouraging.
But then we get letters like the one below. We're posting it here not to toot our own horn, but simply to let others know that there are evidently a lot of others out there who seem to get "it," who understand what we've tried to accomplish with this little bit of cyberspace called SoCalHoops. Here's the letter. We know it made our day a little better, and maybe it will give everyone some perspective on what we're all about.
Dear SoCalHoops:
Thanks for the labor of love for a game I have enjoyed my whole life and one which teaches character rather than creates characters. It takes all of us to get the job done for our youth. You are helping so much.
Yes, I am a parent, but I am a pastor, too. I am concerned for the well being of our youth as well as society as a whole. My son has learned so much about life and how to live it from the experiences afforded him in team basketball. Yes, there are some real knothead coaches, shadowy deals and a whole lot more that give the sport a bad name and causes parents to shudder. But, I believe that the good far outweighs the bad. The number of coaches who have been positive role models have surpassed the bad experiences and provided a vehicle to help keep my son focused on the things that are really important.
I don't know if my son will play at the next level. I hope so. He is working hard to achieve that goal. But, whether he plays ball at the next level or not, basketball has helped prepare him for the REAL "Next Level". He will go on to college, whether he plays ball or not, and he will succeed, because he has learned the lessons of life so well and seen them played out on the court. He has focused on team work, sterling academics, fair play, gutty competition, solid fundamentals, personal respect, patience and perseverance. Because of his experiences as a member of "the team," he will be a player in the real game. LIFE. And, when it is all said and done, when the final whistle sounds and we take off the shoes for the last time, if we've done the best that we can, left it all on the floor, held nothing back we are winners.
I am not out to raise a great basketball player, or even a good kid. I am out to raise a good adult. I've had help along the way in the form of dedicated coaches who have spent their evenings and weekends, mostly without pay, working with my son and his teams.
Basketball is a microcosm of life. But, life is bigger than Basketball. Thanks for helping us see how the little picture fits into the big one!
Thanks for being there. You bring so much perspective to parents who are trying to find their way in an otherwise unenlightened journey.
Pastor (name withheld).
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