The New Southern California Basketball
SoCalHoops Recruiting News

adidas Big Time Tournament
Open Bracket #7--(July 19, 1999)

Ok, we're still in Las Vegas, and the final round of games are today.  The Great 8, Final Four, and the Championship rounds in all the brackets.  Here's Open Bracket 7 which will give you an idea of what happened yesterday.  Also check the scores, which we'll post separately to see who actually advanced to the Great 8 games.

CT Vagabond (1st DDD)
|                      Houston
SSA Sac I (1st WW) | 551|
             IEBP  B& P (1st EE) 494|                       Houston| |                       Houston
409|                              Houston| 543| | 576|
Houston Lynx (1st MM) | |
| |
Emerald City (1st NN) | |
414|                        Emerald City | |
Mater Dei (4th G) 493|                                                      Long Island | |
Long Island Panthers (1st A) |
LA Rockfish (1st C) |
Manual (1st VV0 506|                                                     LA Rockfish |
412|                                Manual| 556| |
Blue Ridge Wildcats (4th J)| | |
|                  LA Rockfish|
West Valley elite (1st UU) |
425|                             Gym Rats | |
Gym Rats (3rd H) 506|                      Madison |
Madison Broncos| 540A                      Madison
| |
Oregon Nike (1st CCC)

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