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SoCalHoops High School News

Orange County Register: New Feature--
The Bulletin Board--(June 7, 1999)

The Orange County Register has started a new feature for high school sports, which they call their "Bulletin Board".  It's not a BBS, or a "Bulletin Board" as that term  is commonly used on the internet, but it does feature a listing of available jobs and coaching positions in some of the Orange County Schools and some listings for tournaments. We don't know if this is going to be a regular thing with the Register, but if it is, we'll continue to pass along the information pertaining to basketball (the OC Register stuff had listings for all kinds of sports in addition to hoops).   Here's what the paper carried for boys and girls basketball from the Monday, June 7, 1999 edition:

Boys Basketball

Girls basketball

 The Swish Award
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