SoCalHoops Youth & Club News
Agoura Youth Basketball Association
To Hold Sign-Ups--(April 14, 1999)
Yeah, it's come to this for us on a slow news day: Posting signups for youth basketball. Sigh. Well, a lot of our readers have young children, developing players, and wherever games are being played, we want you all to know about them. And that includes the middle-schoolers. Heck, we've even known some high school players to participate in the Agoura YBA program, and have seen some of their older teams competing against some of the ARC squads in the leagues in and around the West San Fernando Valley, so this is not as wild a notice as it might first appear. Hey, Tracy Pierson doesn't call us the best when it comes to middle-school players for nothing, right?
So here's the scoop: The Agoura Youth Basketball Association will hold its summer 1999 season signups on May 1 at Willow Elementary School at Kanan Road and Laro Drive. Players must be in the third grade or higher. Signup times are 9 to 11 a.m. for third- and fourth-graders, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for fifth-and sixth-graders and 1 to 3 p.m. for seventh- through 12th-graders. All players will participate at the same grade level they played in during the winter season. Third-graders who did not play in the winter season are required to bring a report card. Registration fee is $60 per player. The AYBA summer season will be played June 14 through July 30. For more information, call the AYBA hotline at (818) 706-1400. And since we know that Tracy and his own little player live out that way, we're sure we'll be seeing coach Pierson out there at the signups. :-).
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